The Stone Age Gamer Podcast

Ep.492 – SAG Episode 492: It’s A Tolerable Life

What the heck is Incredible Crisis?

4 months ago

Show Notes

It’s time for this month's entry in the Alphabet Soup-er Series! The letter I was the subject this time around, and Kris decided to go with the PlayStation cult classic Incredible Crisis. It’s a deeply bizarre game about a Japanese businessman who runs away from modern art, gives a stranger a massage on a ferris wheel, answers trivia questions in an ambulance, and way more that’s even more bizarre than that. There’s no doubt its concept is sound, but is the game actually any fun to play? In Week Old News, the guys discuss the surprise announcement that Atari wants to actually focus on what they’re good at, and how Digital Eclipse is dropping 12 more free games into their already incredibly impressive Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration collection. There’s a fancy new port of NES Metroid to the Super Nintendo, and similar treatment was given to Kid Icarus by one of our listeners! (Great job, Rumbleminze!) And speaking of homebrew-style work, someone has finally fan-translated the Samurai Shodown RPG that neither Dan or Kris even knew existed, and Level 5’s November showcase announces some beefy delays. At the top of the show, Kris talks about his upcoming dental surgery, which will surely be a good time for all parties involved. He also got a new dog from Dan who he’s deathly allergic to (sorry again for all the coughing, but there’s less this week! Dan is displeased with the state of digital media, especially in the wake of PlayStation’s announcement that a ton of their old TV content will be forcibly removed from peoples systems, and a whole lot more!

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